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Frontosa in a Tanganyikan aquarium

Introduction to Tanganyikan Cichlids - Why These Fish are Becoming More Popular

Unknown territory   For around half of all fish keepers, African cichlids are an unknown territory, with over half of all fish keepers having never kept them. For a lot of new hobbyists keeping Afr...

Low Tech Planted Tank

Pros and Cons - Low Tech Planted Tank

What is a ‘low tech’ planted tank? When setting up a planted aquarium terms like ‘low tech’ and ‘high tech’ get mentioned a lot. For newcomers these terms may be unfamiliar. A low tech essentially ...

Nano planted aquarium

How to Setup a Nano Planted Tank – Nano Fish Stocking

Why Setup a Nano Aquarium?   A lot of aquascapers and fish keepers have a big interest in small aquariums. All fish tanks are essentially a miniature environment, so setting up an especially small ...

Cherry Shrimp in Planted Aquarium

How to Breed Cherry Shrimp in a Planted Tank

We recommend keeping cherry shrimp alone if your sole aim is to breed them as most fish will happily eat shrimplets. That said some shrimp keepers keep their cherry shrimp with bristlenose plecos a...

Betta fish in a planted aquarium

Betta Fish Care Guide - How to Setup a Planted Betta Tank

There are some rules to follow when setting up a planted betta fish tank. Ensure your tank is large enough, a minimum of 5 gallons is normally recommended for a single fighting fish and around 15-2...

Afican cichlids from Lake Tanagnyika called Frontosa swimming in a hardscape only aquarium

How to Create a Hardscape Only Aquascape

This type of setup is perfect for enjoying your fish, with less distractions in your tank you can focus on the behaviour of your fish. A hardscape only setup is great for larger predator fish such ...