Aquarium Water Change Advice 2023
Don’t be afraid of large water changes! A common myth within the fishkeeping hobby is that you should only do 20% water changes, this is not true! If your water roughly matches temperature and is d...
How To Setup a Successful Livebearer Aquarium
Live bearing endlers, guppies, platys and swordtails have become a staple in the fishkeeping world. They are incredibly popular with both beginners and experienced breeders. In this article I will ...
Oddball Plant Species For Your Planted Tank
Do you want to create an alien landscape within your planted fish tank, or do you want to make your planted aquarium stand out? Planted tanks often look similar to one another, having some unusual ...
Final Touches - Get The Most Out Of Your Aquarium! 2023
Let’s be honest, we have all thought it at some point. You’ve spent weeks planning your aquarium, cycling it, stocking it and suddenly there is nothing left to do but maintain it. What else can you...
Peaceful Giants - Large Peaceful Aquarium Fish 2023
Lots of aquarists keep a community aquarium with a wide range of fish species of different sizes. It is easy to understand the excitement of a mixed species aquarium, fish of different colours and ...
Small aquariums are very popular, but small nano aquariums can be hard to stock with fish due to the limited water volume so sometimes a shrimp dedicated tank is your best option. Cherry shrimp are...