10 Gallon Stocking Ideas – 10 Nano Fish Species 2023:

Scarlet badis in planted tank

Nano fish are very popular as lots of hobbyist keep smaller aquariums due to space constraints or wanting a desktop aquarium. In this article I will go over ten nano species which thrive in smaller aquariums of 10 gallons. I will give a rough minimum tanks size and a brief description of each species. Please also do some further research before getting any of the species mentioned below.


Shell Dweller – Species like N. Multifaciatus and N. Similis are tiny shell dwelling cichlids, Multifaciatus are the smallest cichlid in the world! A few pairs of Multifaciatus can thrive in a tank as small as 45cm. A simple aquascape of sand and escargot shells works best for this fish. Don’t worry about arranging the shells in any specific way the fish will rearrange the sand and shells as they see fit, creating valleys in the sand and moving the shells to the best location. These fish are easy to breed and will lay eggs inside the shells. An interesting nano fish and worth looking into if you have not kept these little gems before!


Pea Puffer – These tiny puffer fish are interesting little fish with a lot of personality. Pea Puffers get their name due to their adult size being the same as a pea! These fish are best kept in a species only tank with no other fish. A single Pea Puffer can be kept in a 5 gallon tank, add 5 gallons for every extra Pea Puffer. This fish can be aggressive, it is worth having 2 or 3 females for every male to disperse aggression. These fish do best in a planted tank with lots of hiding spots.


Siamese Fighting Fish – Otherwise known as Bettas, this fish is very popular because of their bright colours and long fins. Males are the most popular due to their more striking appearance. Siamese fighting fish get their name because males are very aggressive and will fight with other males. Because of this they do well when kept on their own in a tank of 5 gallons or larger. Fighting fish can be kept with other species but it depends on your betta’s personality. In a 60cm tank I have successfully kept a betta long term with schooling fish such as Cardinal Tetras and Harlequin Rasboras. These fish do well in a densely planted aquascape with low flow.


Ember tetra – These tiny gems are orange in colour and even smaller than cardinal tetras. They are very peaceful, keep at least 6 to ensure they feel safe. This fish can be kept in a tank of 10 gallons or larger. These fish can make a striking display when kept with cherry shrimp in a planted tank.


Scarlet Badis – This tiny predator has bright colours and can be kept in tanks of 10 gallons or larger. Male Scarlet Badis can be aggressive towards each other. They do best when fed small frozen foods such as frozen baby brine shrimp and daphnia, they will rarely accept dried foods such as flakes or pellets.  


White Cloud Mountain Minnow – These hardy coldwater fish originate from China and are relatively inexpensive. They are available in a normal grey colour or a white colour. These fish are peaceful and can be kept with cherry shrimp. White Cloud Mountain Minnows are easy to breed in a well planted tank. These little fish can be kept in a tank as small as 10 gallons. It is best to keep at least six as these are a schooling fish.


Sparkling Gourami – These are a brilliant choice for a planted aquarium, they are generally peaceful, but males may fight for territory. These are colourful little Gourami which can occasionally make a croaking sound which I have witnessed first hand when keeping these myself. Sparkling Gourami do best in a planted tank of at least 10 gallons.


Endler Guppy – These fish look very similar to normal guppies but are a lot smaller. The males are more colourful, and they give birth to live young. Endlers come in a variety of different strains. Endlers are prolific breeders, keep 2 or more females for every male to avoid the females becoming stressed. If you provide a densely planted tank with moss, then you will eventually find fry! These little fish do best in tanks 10 gallons or larger.


Chilli Rasboras – This is one of the smallest fish available in the hobby, they reach a maximum size of one inch and have a very slender body shape. These fish do best in a planted tank with other small peaceful tankmates. They need to be kept in a group of at least six to feel safe. This fish must be kept in a tank of 10 gallons or larger.


Celestial Pearl Danios – A staple nano fish which are very popular in the hobby. These are a little pricey when compared to other nano schooling fish but are worth the price! Celestial Pearl Danios, otherwise known as CPD, resemble small trout. These fish do well in planted tanks of 10 gallons or larger.



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By Alasdair McPhail

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